Closest Mesh Element
Finds the closest vertex from a point provided as a vector
or the closest mesh element among a provided list. |
Name |
Type |
Description |
V |
MeshElement |
— |
Mesh Boundaries
Extracts the mesh boundaries. result is a list of set of
edges object. |
Name |
Type |
Description |
Boundaries |
List |
Outputs a list of setofmeshedges |
Mesh Curvature
Compute different curvature values and applies a texture on
the mesh according to those curvatures. |
Name |
Type |
Description |
Om |
Mesh |
— |
Maxcurv |
List |
— |
Meancurv |
List |
— |
Gaussiancurv |
List |
— |
Mesh Decimate
Simplifies a mesh trying to preserve its shape. |
Name |
Type |
Description |
S |
Mesh |
— |
Mesh Dual
Creates the dual of a mesh. |
Name |
Type |
Description |
S |
— |
Mesh Edges
Retrieves the edges of a mesh or a mesh element - for a
mesh : all the edges - for a mesh vertex : the incident edges - for a mesh edge
: nothing - for a mesh face : the face boundary edges - for a set of vertices :
all the edges whose both vertices are in the set - for a set of edges : the list
of edges in the set - for a set of faces : the list of boundary edges of the
faces with no duplicates. |
Name |
Type |
Description |
E |
List |
— |
Mesh Faces
Retrieves the faces of a mesh or a mesh element - for a
mesh : all the faces - for a mesh vertex :all faces bounding the vertex - for a
mesh edge : the faces bounding the edge - for a mesh face : the face vertices -
for a set of vertices : the list of faces whose all vertices are in the set -
for a set of edges : the list of faces whose all edges are in the set - for a
set of faces : the list of faces in the set. |
Name |
Type |
Description |
F |
List |
— |
Mesh Fairing
Mesh fairing is a kind of smoothing operation. it changes
the position of vertices in order to minimize either the area or the curvature.
it works only if there are mesh boundaries (non closed mesh) or if some
selection is provided. |
Name |
Type |
Description |
S |
Mesh |
— |
Mesh From File
Creates a mesh from a file (obj, off, stl, xyz
formats). |
Name |
Type |
Description |
Mesh |
— |
Mesh Neighbours
Finds the neighbours of a list of mesh elements. |
Name |
Type |
Description |
L |
MeshElement |
— |
Mesh Sharp Edges
Extracts mesh sharp edges. |
Name |
Type |
Description |
Edges |
List |
Outputs a list of setofmeshedges |
Mesh To Polyhedral Surface
Creates polyhedral surfaces from a mesh. the creation
process starts by splitting the mesh into its domains, and for each domain tries
to create a polyhedral surface. it can fail for many reasons depending on the
quality of the mesh passed in input (auto-intersection, duplicate vertices,
naked vertices, ...). |
Name |
Type |
Description |
Result |
The list of polyhedral surfaces created |
Mesh Topological Faces
Extracts the set of faces separated by sharp edges in the
mesh. |
Name |
Type |
Description |
Faces |
List |
Outputs a list of setofmeshfaces |
Mesh Vertices
Retrieves the vertices of a mesh or a mesh element - for a
mesh : all the vertices - for a mesh vertex :neighbour vertices - for a mesh
edge : the edge vertices - for a mesh face : the face vertices - for a set of
vertices : the list of vertices - for a set of edges : the list of vertices of
the edges with no duplicates - for a set of faces : the list of vertices of the
faces with no duplicates. |
Name |
Type |
Description |
V |
List |
— |
Creates a mesh from an exact surface. |
Name |
Type |
Description |
Mesh |
— |
Move Mesh Vertices
Allows to modify the position of mesh vertices. the mesh is
implicit : it's retrieved from the list of vertices. |
Name |
Type |
Description |
S |
Mesh |
— |
Offset Mesh
Creates an offset mesh. it may create a self-intersecting
mesh. |
Name |
Type |
Description |
S |
Mesh |
— |
Polyhedral To Mesh
Converts a polyhedral surface into a mesh. |
Name |
Type |
Description |
Mesh |
— |
Creates a new triangular mesh from a mesh according to
different options. |
Name |
Type |
Description |
S |
Mesh |
— |
Smooth Mesh
Smoothes a mesh. |
Name |
Type |
Description |
S |
Mesh |
— |
Subdivide Mesh
Subdivides a mesh, making it smoother but with more mesh
elements. |
Name |
Type |
Description |
S |
Mesh |
— |
Thicken Mesh
Thickens a mesh. it cannot be used on a closed
mesh. |
Name |
Type |
Description |
S |
Mesh |
— |
Thicken Mesh Wireframe
Creates a closed volumic mesh from a mesh
wireframe. |
Name |
Type |
Description |
S |
— |
Triangulate Mesh
Triangulates a non triangular mesh. . |
Name |
Type |
Description |
S |
Mesh |
— |