
This section describes operators belonging to the Tools category.

This page discusses:


Displays the content of a data structure using highcharts.


Name Type Description
Data List
Abscissa List Set the abscissa categories of the chart. must be a simple list.
Type of chart Integer 0: line 1: pie 2: histogram 3: scatter
Data names List Names of the series

Convert to Dimension

Converts a real into a dimension. example: '5' and 'mass' will give you an output of type 'mass' and value 5kg.


Name Type Description
Real Real Real that will be converted into choosen dimension.


Name Type Description
Dimension Output of choosen dimension.


Allows to publish the geometry or axis system matrix created in the graph to make it accessible to other apps.


Name Type Description
Geometries Geometry
Mode Boolean Indicates the federation mode: true means all elements of the same dimension are federated. false means no federation and in that case, no stability is ensured for pointing elements after an update.
Object Feature Geometries or axis system matrices to publish


Name Type Description
Publication Wireframe Created geometry

Publish List

Creates a list either referencing published geometries or containing parameters.


Name Type Description
List List This input can be linked either to a publish node or to a node providing parameter values

Publish Parameter

Creates an output parameter published by the design sequence. name of the parameter is the name of the specification node.


Name Type Description
Parameter This input does not handle collections. an error will be raised if several values are passed to this input

Read Data From Sheet

Reads data from a existing sheet. you can specify the orientation of output and a sub part of data to be read.


Name Type Description
Orientation Boolean Orientation of output data
Minrow Integer The minimum row number to be read. index begins from 1
Maxrow Integer The maximum row number to be read. 0 means read all rows
Mincol Integer The minimum column number to be read. index begins from 1
Maxcol Integer The maximum column number to be read. 0 means read all rows


Name Type Description
Cells List Cells of data read from sheet
Rows Nb Integer Number of rows of output data
Columns Nb Integer Number of columns of output data


Allows to create a repeater of a node output so that you can have a clearer graph.


Name Type Description
Input Unknown type


Name Type Description
Output Unknown type


Enables to create a custom node based on an ekl script or expression.

Set Attribute

Adds or modifies an attribute on published result containing the value passed. the result is only seen on the native client.


Name Type Description
Object Feature Object to change
Name String Name of the attribute to add or modify
Value Value to set
Magnitude String Optional magnitude type (length, angle, ...) to apply to the attribute if passed value is a real.


Displays the content of a data structure to let you understand the flows and the structure of the flows. you can export the content in .csv or .json format depending on the data dimension. .


Name Type Description
List To Dump List

Watch 3D

This node gives a 3d interactive overview of the geometry generated by the node it is connected to.


Name Type Description
List To Dump List Geometries to watch

Write Data To Sheet

Writes input data to a selected sheet.


Name Type Description
Cells List Cells of data to be written to selected sheet
Orientation Boolean Switches orientation of data written in sheet
Clean Boolean Cleans all content of sheet before write