You can import content to improve your current model or to design a new one.
The Import command is also available from the Home page.
From the Standard section of the action bar,
click Import.
The Import dialog box appears.
From the File Format list, select one of the following formats:
SOLIDWORKS Part (*.sldprt)
Imports a SOLIDWORKS part file (*.sldprt).
CATIA Part (*.CATPart)
Imports a CATIA part (*.CATPart) file.
SOLIDWORKS Assembly (*.sldasm, *.zip)
Imports a SOLIDWORKS assembly (*.sldasm) file or a SOLIDWORKS assembly *.zip files.
CATIA Assembly (*.CATProduct, *.zip)
Imports a CATIA assembly (*.CATProduct) or CATIA Assembly (*.zip) files.
3DXML (*.3dxml)
Imports only *.3DXML authoring files.
To import *.3DXML assembly file along with its components, drag it from the
collaborative space into work area.
IGES (*.iges, *.igs)
Imports IGES (*.iges, *.igs) files.
Inventor Part (*.ipt)
Imports Inventor part (*.ipt) files.
Solid Edge Part (*.par, *.psm)
Imports Solid Edge part (*.par, *.psm) files. The converter for Solid Edge does not
Texts and annotations
Materials and textures
Hidden bodies at assembly level
STEP (*.step, *.stp)
Imports STEP (*.step, *.stp) files.
STL (*.stl)
Imports STL (*.stl) files.
From the Source list, select one of the following:
File on disk
Select File on disk to import a local system file.
file name appears in the File Name box.
Click Choose File.
Select 3DDrive to import the file from a 3DEXPERIENCE cloud location that you have access to.
Click Choose 3DDrive File.
Optional: Following the selected file format, specify the following
Options in the File Format list
Lists all the configurations associated to the file you choose from the
Configuration list.
Imports the selected file as a new file, not linked to the original. You can
rename the file in Prefix box.
Specifies the Orientation by letting you select which axis
of the model to specify as the up direction. Select Z-up or
Specifies the Orientation by letting you select which axis
of the model to specify as the up direction. Select Z-up or
Displays the units of measurement in the Unit of import
list. You can select unit in which you would like to open the STL file. The supported
units are Millimeter (mm), Centimeter (cm), Meter (m), Inches (in), Foot (ft).
Specifies the Orientation by letting you select which axis of
the model to specify as the up direction. Select Z-up or
Click Import.
The selected content is imported and saved in your collaborative space.