Displaying Properties

You can view details on the component properties. These properties provide information on the component owner, revision, and collaborative uses.

  1. From the Lifecycle section of the action bar, click Properties .
    The current data of the component file is displayed in the panel.
    Name Description
    Type The file format of the component file.
    Title The name of the component given by the designer or organization.
    Name The file name for the component.
    Revision The number or letters indicates the number of changes made to the component or file.
    Revision Comment Information regarding the latest changes made to the component or file.
    Creation Date The date the component or file was created.
    Created From The source file use to create the current component or file.
    Scale The scale used in the display of the component compared to the physical size of the actual component.
    Collaborative Policy The policy on the use and sharing of the component or file; determined by the owner.
    Modification Date The date the component or file was last modified.
    Maturity The current state of the component in relationship to completion or availability.
    Owner The person responsible for the component or file.
    Organization The company or organization that owns the component or file.
    Collaborative Space The location where the component or file is stored for viewing or sharing.
    Locked By The user that has the file locked, possible making changes, or adding comments.

    Indicates how the component is to be acquired, either to be manufactured or procured.

    When the property is false, indicates that acquisition of the object is to be ignored in the manufacturing definition.

  2. Click Close to close the Properties dialog box.