Battery Report Product Details

The Product Details tab of the Battery Report lists details about the parts used to generate the report.

Required access roles:

  • Baseline: Reader
  • App-specific: Compliance Reviewer

To generate the battery report, see Generating the Battery Report.

Field NameDescription
Part Name / Battery Type / Battery TechnologyAn indented listing of battery types and technologies for each part. The list is indented by the individual part, then battery types, and then battery technologies.
Part RevisionThe revision level of the selected part.
PlantFor plant parts, the name of the plant.
Part Description The description of the part.
Unit Part WeightThe part calculated weight in the weight unit selected.
Number of UnitsThe number of units for this part.
Total Part WeightThe total part weight, which is derived from multiplying the unit part weight by the number of units.
Total CountThe total battery count for each part level and battery type and technology level.
Total WeightThe total battery weight for each part level and battery type and technology level.