Best/Worst Case Analysis Report

The Best/Worst Case Analysis Report lists and compares the compliance of the MEPs associated with parts in a BOM.

Required access roles:

  • Baseline: Author, Reader
  • App-specific: Design Engineer, Compliance Reviewer

To generate this report, see Generating the Best/Worst Case Analysis Report.

Column NameDescription
Enterprise Part
Compliance The worst case compliance of the enterprise part is based on its configurations.

At least one configuration of the part is not compliant.
No non-compliant parts but at least one unreported configuration of the part.
No configurations are unreported or non-compliant and at least one is compliant with exemptions.
All configurations of the part are compliant including the enterprise configuration (parts and materials directly associated with the part) and equivalent MEPs.
The part has an assigned declaration level and the compliance definition is not part of the declaration level.
Part has one or more children parts that are "Insufficient".

NameThe part name.
RevThe revision level for the part.
PlantThe plant for plant-specific parts.
DescriptionThe part description.
LevelThe part’s position in the assembly. The assembly itself is Level 0. Parts that directly make up the assembly are Level 1, parts that make up those parts are Level 2, and so on.
Substance ClassificationsThe substance classification name for the given part.

This field displays if Substances Classifications were selected for the report.

SubstancesThe substance name along with the percentage of the substance for the given part.

This field displays if Substances were selected for the report.

Equivalent Part
Selected EquivalentThe radio button is highlighted if the equivalent is the Selected Equivalent for the part.
Compliance Definitions Columns display for each compliance definition selected. An indicator shows compliance of the equivalent. The compliance type name is prefixed to the compliance definition name with ":" separating the names.

At least one configuration of the part is not compliant.
No non-compliant parts but at least one unreported configuration of the part.
No configurations are unreported or non-compliant and at least one is compliant with exemptions.
All configurations of the part are compliant including the enterprise configuration (parts and materials directly associated with the part) and equivalent MEPs.
The part has an assigned declaration level and the compliance definition is not part of the declaration level.
Part has one or more children parts that are "Insufficient".

Name If the equivalent is an MEP this is the name of the MEP. If the equivalent is an enterprise configuration this is the name of the enterprise part.
RevIf the equivalent is an MEP this is the revision level of the MEP. If the equivalent is an enterprise configuration this is the revision level of the enterprise part.
SupplierIf the equivalent is an MEP this is the supplier of the MEP. If the equivalent is an enterprise configuration this is the name of the host company.
LocationIf the equivalent is an MEP this is the supplier location of the MEP.