Document or Specification Information Pane

The document's or specification's properties describe its creation date, its modification date, its revision level, the organization, and collaborative space to which it belongs, the person who is responsible for it, its lifecycle state, and the various names, titles, and descriptions used to identify it.

Field Description
Type The type of object: Document or Product Specification

Note: Field appears in this location for documents.

The title of the document file. Initially, this is the name of the file uploaded to the document or specification when it was created.
Name The system-generated name given to the document or specification when it was created.
Description The detailed description of the document or specification.
Revision The revision level of the document or specification.

Note: Field appears in this location for Specifications.

The user-friendly name for the specification. Initially, this field contains the name of the file uploaded the document or specification when it was created.
Owner The owner of the document or specification is responsible for it.
Creation Date The date and time on which the document or specification was created.
Modification Date The date and time on which the document or specification was last modified.
Organization The organization responsible for the document or specification.
Collaborative Space The collaborative space to which the document or specification belongs.
Maturity The lifecycle maturity state of the document or specification. Documents are created in the In Work state. Specifications are created in the Plan state.
Locked By The user who has locked the document or specification for exclusive editing.