Name |
The system-generated name given to the option group when it was created. |
Type |
The type of object: Option Group |
Display Name |
The Title that is shown for the option group in all lists. |
Description |
The detailed description of the option group that is shown below the display name of the option group in all lists. |
Display Text |
The display text of the option group. |
The lifecycle state of the option group. Option groups are created in the
Private state. |
Owner |
The owner of the option group. This is the same as the Originator when the option group is created. |
Modification Date |
The date and time on which the option group was last modified. |
Organization |
The organization responsible for the option group. |
Collaborative Space |
The collaborative space to which the option group belongs. |
Originator |
The person who created the option group. |
Creation Date |
The date and time on which the option group was created. |