Requirement Information Pane

The requirement's Properties tab contains information about its properties.

This page discusses:

Properties Tab

Field Description
Type The type of object: Requirement
Title The title that is shown for the requirement in all tiles.
Name The system-generated name given to the requirement when it was created.
Revision The revision level of the requirement.
Priority Indicates the priority of the requirement.
Difficulty Indicates the difficulty of the requirement.
Requirement Classification Indicates the user classification of the requirement.
Requirement Category Indicates the category of the requirement.
Owner The person who owns the requirement.
Maturity The lifecycle maturity state of the requirement. Model versions are created in the In Work state.
Creation Date The date and time on which the requirement was created.
Modification Date The date and time on which the requirement was last modified.
Organization The organization responsible for the requirement.
Collaborative Space The collaborative space to which the requirement belongs.

Content Tab

Command Description
Bold Makes the selected text bold.
Italic Makes the selected text italic.
Strikethrough Strikes through the selected text.
Link Creates a hyperlink from the selected text or at the cursor. You can specify the display text, protocol, and an URL when creating the hyperlink. The target is automatically set to open the link in a new window (_blank).
Unlink Removes a hyperlink from the selected text.
Formatting Styles Allows you to select a preformatted style to the selected text.
Paragraph Format Allows you to assign a paragraph format to the selected text.
Text Color Allows you to choose the color of selected text.
Background Color Allows you to choose the background color of the selected text.
Select All Selects all of the text in the requirement or comment.
Cut Cuts the selected text.
Copy Copies the selected text.
Undo Undoes the last action.
Redo Redoes the undone action.
Insert/Remove Numbered List Inserts a numbered list at the cursor or turns the selected text into a numbered list.
Insert/Remove Bulleted List Inserts a bulleted list at the cursor or turns the selected text into a bulleted list.
Increase Indent Increases the indent of the text.
Decrease Indent Decreases the indent of the text.
Align Left Aligns the text to the left margin.
Center Aligns the text to the center.
Align Right Aligns the text to the right margin.
Table Inserts a table at the cursor based on your specifications.
Ω Insert Special Character Inserts a special character at the cursor.
Image Allows you to select an image to insert at the cursor.