Rule Identity Card

The identity card provides basic information about the rule and allows you to change its owner and maturity level. To view the rule's identity card, open the rule. For more information, see Opening a Rule.

This page discusses:

Identity Card Fields

Click to collapse the identity card to show minimal information. Click to expand the identity card to show full information.

Field Description
Title of the rule The title of the expression rule or matrix rule.
Responsible The person who is responsible for the rule. Initially this is the person who created the rule.
Maturity The current lifecycle state of the rule. Rules are created in the In Work state. Click the maturity state to promote or demote the rule to another lifecycle state.
Creation Date The date on which the rule was created.
Modification Date The date on which the rule was last modified.
Description of the rule The detailed description of the rule that explains how it affects the model version's product configuration. If there is none, No Description is displayed. This field does not display when the identity card is collapsed.

Identity Card Context Menu

Click Menu to view the identity card's context menu.

Field Description For More Information
Maturity Opens the Maturity dialog box where you can promote or demote the rule to a different lifecycle state. Changing Maturity
Information Opens the rule's properties pane. Rule Information Pane
Remove Removes the rule from the model version. —