Creating a Document or Specification

You can create a document or specification for a model version by uploading a new file.

Tip: There are other ways that you can create a new document or specification for a model version:
  • Drag a file from your local computer into the body of the Documents tab if there are not any documents or specifications listed. The Create Document dialog box opens with the file information automatically populated.
  • Drag a file from your local computer into the header of the table on the Documents tab if there are already documents or specifications listed. The Create Document dialog box opens.

Before you begin: Open the model version. For more information, see Opening a Model Version.
See Also
Viewing Information About a Document or Specification
  1. Select the Documents tab.
  2. From the page toolbar, select New > New Document.
    The Create Document dialog box opens.
  3. Enter the following information about the document or specification:

    Field Description
    Title Enter the title of the new document or specification. If you do not enter a title, the default title is the name of the file that you select to upload.
    Type Select which type of document you want to create:

    Type Description
    Document This is any document other than a product specification that you want to associate with the model version.
    Specification This is a product specification document that you want to associate with the model version.

    File Click Browse, then search for and select the document or specification that you want to associate with the model version.

  4. To create another document or specification at the same time, click then repeat step 4.
  5. Click Create to upload all selected files to create a new document or specification for each.

Each new document or specification is added to the Documents tab for the model version.