Downloading a Document or Specification

You can download the newest version or a specific version of the files associated with a document or specification.

  1. Open the model version. For more information, see Opening a Model Version.
  2. Select the Documents tab.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • From the context menu of the document or specification that you want to download, click > Download . This downloads the newest version of the document or specification.
    • Open the document or specification, then do one of the following:
      • From the page toolbar, click Download . This downloads the newest version of the file associated with the document or specification.
      • From the file version's context menu, click Download . This downloads this version of the document or specification, even if it is not the newest one.
    The green status bar at the bottom of the page indicates download progress.

The selected version of the document or specification is downloaded to your local computer.