Creating, Revising, and Deriving a Manufacturing Plan

You can create a manufacturing plan for a model version. You can create additional manufacturing plans (revisions or derivations) to accommodate the delta changes that need to be applied to a previously Released plan. You can still create manufacturing plans on non-Released plans to manage sequential development.

Important: If you have the same model version open in Variant Management and Model Definition, if you modify it in one app, such as managing a manufacturing plan, then you need to refresh the other app to get the updated model version information.

This task shows you how to:

Create a Manufacturing Plan

You can create a manufacturing plan for a model version.

Before you begin: Open the model version. For more information, see Opening a Model Version.
  1. Select the Manufacturing Plans tab.
  2. Click New.

    If you are creating the root manufacturing plan for a model version, the Create Manufacturing Plan dialog box is displayed. If you are creating subsequent derivations of that root manufacturing plan, the Derive Manufacturing Plan dialog box is displayed. See Derive a Manufacturing Plan.

  3. Enter a title for the new manufacturing plan.
  4. For the revision level, do one of the following:
    • Leave the suggested revision value to use the default revision number or letter for the new manufacturing plan.
    • Enter a custom revision value to use a specified revision number or letter that better reflects your intention for creating the new manufacturing plan.
  5. Optional: Enter a description of the manufacturing plan.
  6. Optional: To select an image for the new manufacturing plan, do one of the following:
    • Drag an image into the Image field.
    • Click Upload Image, browse to the image, then click Open.
  7. Do one of the following:
    • For the first manufacturing plan that you create for a model version, click Create.
    • For each subsequent manufacturing plan that you create (which must be a derivation of an existing manufacturing plan), click Derive.

The new manufacturing plan is created.

Revise a Manufacturing Plan

You can revise an existing manufacturing plan.

Note: You can revise a manufacturing plan only when the manufacturing plan from which you are going to derive or revise is not in a forward chain of the model version.

Before you begin: Open the model version. For more information, see Opening a Model Version.
  1. Select the Manufacturing Plans tab.
  2. From the context or Action menu of the manufacturing plan that you want to revise, click New Revision.
  3. Enter the revision level.
  4. Click Revise.

The revised manufacturing plan is created with the Manufacturing Intent as Regular. Retrofit is not supported as a Manufacturing Intent.

Derive a Manufacturing Plan

You can derive a new manufacturing plan from an existing manufacturing plan.

Note: You can derive a manufacturing plan only when the manufacturing plan from which you are going to derive or revise is not in a forward chain of the model version.

Before you begin: Open the model version. For more information, see Opening a Model Version.
  1. Select the Manufacturing Plans tab.
  2. From the page toolbar, click New.
  3. Enter a title for the derived manufacturing plan.
  4. For the revision level, do one of the following:
    Use the suggested revision value Leave the default revision number or letter for the new manufacturing plan.
    Use a custom revision value Enter a custom revision number or letter that better reflects your intention for creating the new manufacturing plan.
  5. In the Derived From field, click Search, then select an existing manufacturing plan to derive the new one from.

    Note: If you clicked Derive to create the derivation, the manufacturing plan to derive from is prefilled in the Derived From field.

  6. Optional: Enter a description of the manufacturing plan.
  7. Optional: To select an image for the new manufacturing plan, do one of the following:
    Drop imageDrop an image into the Image field.
    Upload Image
    1. Click Upload Image.
    2. Browse to, then select the image.
    3. Click Open.
  8. Click Derive.

The new manufacturing plan is created based on the one that you derived it from.