Filtering Model Versions

You can filter the list of model versions on the My Model Versions page to show only those you want to see.

By default, The page is initially filtered to show model versions that are Owned by me, in the Private, In Work, In Design, and Frozen maturity states. If no filters are selected, these criteria are used to list the model versions.

  1. Open the My Model Versions page.
  2. Click Filter.
  3. Select one or more of the following filters that you want to apply to the list of model versions:
    Owned by me Filters the page to show only those model versions that you own.
    Owned by my Organizations Filters the page to show only those model versions that are owned by you, and those owned by all members of the organizations that you belong to.
    Note: Model versions in the Private state that you do not own are not shown when using this filter because they are visible only to their owners.
    Maturity State Filters the page to show only model versions in the selected maturity states. You can select one or more states.
    Note: This filter can be used alone or combined with the other filter options to further refine the list of model versions. When used by itself, it only applies to model versions owned by you.

The model versions list updates based on your filter selections. All selected filters have a blue bar at the left side of the filter tile.

Important: Filtering is applied only to indexed model versions, so newly created model versions are shown in the results only after the next database index process is completed.