Specifying the Display Sequence of Variability

You can specify the order in which variant values and options are displayed in their parent variants and option groups. You can also specify the order in which variants and option groups are displayed when they are allocated to a model version and the page is sorted by the Sequence Number column.

This task shows you how to:

Specify the Display Sequence of Variant Values and Options

You can specify the sequence order in which variant values and options are displayed beneath their parent variants and option groups in all contexts, such on the Enterprise Variability page and when they are allocated to a model version.

  1. From the left navigation pane, select Enterprise Variability.
  2. If it is not already the active tab, select the Variants tab.
  3. Open a variant. For more information, see Opening a Variant.
  4. In the Sequence Number column, do one of the following:
    • Click to increment the sequence order for this variant value.
    • Click to decrement the sequence order for this variant value.
    • Highlight the current sequence number, then enter a new sequence number.
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each variant whose variant values you want to specify a display order.
  6. Click to return the the Enterprise Variability page.
  7. Select the Options tab.
  8. Open an option group. For more information, see Opening an Option Group.
  9. In the Sequence Number column, do one of the following:
    • Click to increase the sequence order for this option.
    • Click to decrease the sequence order for this option.
    • Highlight the current sequence number, then type a new sequence number.
  10. Repeat steps 8 and 9 for each option group whose options you want to specify a display order.

The variant values and options are now displayed in the specified sequence order in all contexts.

Specify the Display Sequence of Variants and Option Groups

You can specify the sequence order in which variants and option groups are displayed when they are allocated to a model version and the Variability tab is sorted by the Sequence Number column.

  1. Open the model version. For more information, see Opening a Model Version.
  2. If it is not already the active tab, select the Variability tab.
  3. In the Sequence Number column for each variant or option group, do one of the following:
    • Click to increase the sequence order for this variant or option group.
    • Click to decrease the sequence order for this variant or option group.
    • Highlight the current sequence number, then enter a new sequence number.

The variants and option groups are now displayed in the specified sequence order when you sort the Variability tab by the Sequence Number column.