What's New

This page describes recent changes in Adapter for X-PDM.

R2022x FD01 (FP.2205)

Attributes in STEPPDMImportBatch and STEPPDMExportBatch

You can define the attributes with the values and use these in the STEPPDMImportBatch and STEPPDMExportBatch file.
Defines the attributes such as String, Integer, Real, and Boolean with the updated values and used in export and import through the STEPPDMImportBatch and STEPPDMExportBatch file.
Benefits: Earlier these types of attributes are not saved in the STEPPDM. Now, these attributes are saved in the STEPPDM and used for export and import.
For more information, see cust-STEP-mapping.xml Configuration File for STEP PDM