
The Risks tab shows the risks associated with an enterprise project. It is available only for enterprise projects.

You need to have licenses for both Project Planning (XPP) and Risk Management (RSK) to see the Risks tab for an enterprise project.

The following are limitations to risks in Project Planning:

  • You cannot filter risks by clicking in the heat map.
  • 6WTags are not supported.
  • An import/export of an enterprise project does not include risks.
  • Risk attachments are not displayed in the Content tab of an enterprise project.
  • If a project is created from another enterprise project, risks from the parent project are not carried forward to the new project.

This page discusses:

Risk Table

A table shows the list of risks, based on the filters selected. In the table, fields are read-only.

Field Name Description
Title The risk title.
Name The name of the risk.
Description The risk's description.
Context The content for the risk. This can include an enterprise project.
Risk Rating The risk rating.
Risk Action Icons indicate the status of the risk's action plan:
  • - no action plan
  • - plan exists
  • - plan in work
  • - plan in review
  • - plan completed
Next to the icon is the action planned for the risk. Values are Unassigned, Avoid, Assume, Control, or Transfer.
Modification Date The last time the risk was modified.
Assignees The people assigned to the risk.

You can drag persons from a global search to this column. In addition, you can drag an assignee from the column and drop it to any supported place, such as the search bar.

Owner The risk owner.

You can drag an owner from the column and drop it to any supported place, such as the search bar.

Maturity State The state: Draft, To Do, In Work, In Approval, or Completed.

Perform one of these actions:

To filter the risk table, click and select one of these: My Risks, Assigned to me, or All Project Risks.

To customize the grid view, right-click any column heading. A list of customizing options displays

To change the values of a risk, click its row. See Risk Attributes.

Risk Create

You can create a risk.

To create a risk, click . The Create New dialog shows icons that you can use for creating the risk. The dialog defaults to Properties . See Risk Attributes for the icons you can use to create a risk.

Risk Attributes

Attributes comprise all the information about a risk.

When you click a risk in the risk table, you see its properties and other attributes that you can change.


Title The risk title. Required.
Name The name of the risk. Auto-assigned when creating. Read-only when editing.
Description The risk description.
Context The context for the risk. Required. Click to select Properties or Open With.

A project leader can create a risk using the context of an enterprise project that is created in the Project Planningapp. Such a risk does not need to have an associated task.

Matrix Configuration This field displays the configuration connected with the context. If the context has multiple configurations, a list shows all configurations connected with the context while creating the first risk under that context.or in the properties for an invalid risk created under that context.
Impact The impact. Values are 1-Negligible, 2-Minor, 3-Moderate, 4-Major, or 5-High. You can also assign this by clicking in the Heat Map shown above.
Probability The probably of the risk occurring. Values are 1-Rare, 2-Unlikely, 3-Possible, 4-Likely, or 5-Almost Certain. You can also assign this by clicking in the Heat Map shown above.
Risk Rating A color grid showing the risk's rating based on the values for the Impact and Probability. Click in a cell to select the risk's position in the grid. The Impact and Probability values in the above fields change based on the cell you selected.
  • Red indicates a risk factor >=15.
  • Yellow indicates a risk factor > 6 and factor <=12.
  • Green is everything else.
Risk Heat Map You can click inside a cell in the heat map to assign the Impact and Probability to the risk.
Policy The lifecycle policy, for example, Project Risk. Read-only.
Estimated Dates The estimated start and end dates for the risk.
Type of Risk The type of risk. Used to classify risks.
Maturity State The state of the risk. Values are Draft, To Do, In Work, In Approval, or Completed.
More Additional read-only fields for Collaborative Space, Actual Dates, Originated, and Modification Date.


Risk Action Plan What action is planned for the risk. Values are Unassigned, Avoid, Assume, Control, or Transfer. Available only when editing, not during creation.
Measure of Success A text area for how the success for this risk is measured.
Abatement Plan A text area describing the abatement plan.
Resolved By Search for any project or task to assign to the resolved by field.

A task indicates a risk mitigation task. When the mitigation task completes, the risk owner/assignee receives a notification. The notified persons can review the risk and update the RPN accordingly.

Related Content

Affected Items Items affected by the risk.
Attachments Search for any document to assign as an attachment.


Owner The risk owner. Read-only. Click to display the properties.
Assignees Search for a person to make an assignee.

Click Assign to Self to assign yourself to this risk.

Click Remove Self Assignee to remove yourself as an assignee to this risk.


The Classification tab is only available while editing a risk. If IP Classification is installed, you can select a classification to add. You can remove classes by clicking the action menu option on the right and then clicking Remove.

If a class has attributes, each class list automatically expands to display the attributes of the risk for each class.

Risk Trend

A step chart that shows the trend over time whenever risk rating values changed.

The columns are Impact, Probability, Risk Rating, Effective Date, and Modified (date and time). The latest modified risk rating entry is on top, and the data is displayed in descending order. Sorting is by the Modified date.

Hover over the points in the trend graph to see specific information.

The current state is at the end of the line with an icon that matches the maturity state color, for example, .

The line is drawn until today’s date for an open risk.


Type and send any comments about the risk. You can also "like" a comment.


Marks the risk as Complete. If you have Demote access, a Reopen icon allows you to reopen the risk to the InWork state.


Deletes the risk. Its ResolvedBy, Affected Items, Attachments, and Assignees are disconnected.

Configure Risk Matrix

You can select a risk configuration that determines the risk heat map for an enterprise project.

To configure the risk matrix, click on the toolbar.

Note: You must have a Leader role in the project and also be Leader in the collaborative space to connect enterprise projects using the “Where Used” field when configuring a risk matrix.

Select Existing Configuration Select the default configuration or one created in the Risk Management app.
Title The risk configuration title. Read-only.
Risk Heat Map The heat map created from the configuration.
Where Used Select one or more enterprise projects that will use this risk configuration.
More Additional read-only fields for Collaborative Space and Owner.

Click Export to export the configuration to a JSON file.

Click Delete to delete the selected configuration, except for the default.