
This Summary panel shows a short list of the major properties. Use this panel to edit and view Software Item properties.

Type This is a non-editable field indicating whether the object is a Software Logical Item or a Software Physical Item.

The user-defined title of the object.

When editing the title, you can:

  • Apply the title of one object to all the selected objects: From the list, select the title of your choice.
  • Enter a new title for all the selected objects: Click Define for all , and then enter a title.
  • Replace a string of characters with another one for all the selected objects:
    1. Click Define for all .
    2. Click Replace with RegExp .
    3. Enter the regular expression to replace and the new expression in the corresponding boxes.


The revision level of the object.


The description of the object, if defined. If you enter a URL, an email address, or a File Transfer Protocol link, this text is clickable and opens the link.


The current maturity state of the object.


The date and time when the object was last modified. If not modified, this date is the same as the Creation Date.