Creating a Software Item

You can create a Software Logical Item or a Physical Product to store either logical or physical components. Both types of software items are versionable objects.

See Also
Viewing Software Items
In Other Guides
Extending Content Types with Attributes
  1. Launch the Connected Software app and select New Software Item. If Connected Software is fully expanded, you can also select New Software Item from the Add menu.
    Starts the New Software Item form.
  2. Enter details for the software item.

    Note: Specify the values for defined custom attributes and extensions on the Properties panel in the

    page after you create the software item.
    Field Name Description
    Image The image associated with the Software Item. Drag the image to the form to associate it with the Software item.
    Type The software item type. Choices are:
    • Software Logical Item - logical or abstraction such as source code, planning documents, etc.
    • Physical Product - compiled, available products, such as executables, libraries, etc.
    Name Specify the name of the object using alphanumeric characters, spaces, dashes, underscores.

    Avoid using special characters that may be interpreted incorrectly in browsers, such as " # $ @ %, * ? \ < > [ ] |.

    Description Description of the software item.

  3. Click OK to create the software item, or Cancel to close the dialog without creating a new object.
    Returns to the previous page. If there is an error creating the software item, an error message explains the issue.
    Note: Any software items you create appear in the list of software items of interest displayed when you open Connected Software.