Export Mode
Depending on your needs, you have the choice between a graphic or a semantic export.
Graphic: This mode is quick and reliable. It is
useful if you want to export a drawing to AutoCAD and print it
without modifying it. Semantic: - The exported file can be modified.
- Dimensions are exported as subfigures and are editable as such. Dimensions that cannot be exported semantically are exported as
- Half-dimensions and chamfer dimensions are exported as
- Circular, linear and angular dimensions are exported as true
dimensions and editable as such.
- The texts of those dimensions are exported with the STANDARD
style and the isocp.shx font.
- The tolerances of dimensions are exported.
- The 2D labels are exported.
- The "upper" and "down" texts are not taken into account.
- Dual values are not exported.
- Circular extension lines are not exported.
- Show/No Show:
The 3DEXPERIENCE elements placed in the No Show are not exported. The visible
elements are exported.
Layers are automatically exported.
- To avoid missing geometries at export, we recommend that you
activate either the filter All Visible or the filter None.
- Texts:
- All texts are exported as texts (even dimension texts and
annotations) with a fit justification.
- All texts are exported with the STANDARD style and the
isocp.shx font with the exception of geometric tolerance symbols
that are exported with the GDT specific style and gdt.shx font,
with the corresponding mapping.
- The symbols for diameter,
degree and plus/minus
are inserted with the
standard tags.
- Unicode characters are exported with the
You have to redefine the STANDARD style in AUTOCAD to reference an
unicode font.
For both modes:- If the sheet to export contains no geometry, or only non
supported entities, no DXF/DWG file is generated.
- The visual clipping of views is not supported.
- The point of view (camera) of the model is not exported.
Semantic Options
If you have selected the semantic mode, specific options become available.
Export dimensions as Dimensions If the Export dimensions as Dimensions check box is not selected, all dimensions are
exported as graphic blocks and are editable as such. If the Export dimensions as Dimensions check box is
selected, dimensions are exported as follows:
- The graphic representation is always created in addition to the
semantic representation. Thus when opening the result with semantic
dimensions with AutoCAD, the graphic representation is first kept
but the dimension may be rebuilt at any edition, while taking into
account the default dimension style.
- Default dimension style entails that most graphic attributes
(such as color, display format of the dimension value, type of
arrow, space...) of the dimensions are lost. The default dimension
style depends on the current export unit (INCH, mm,...).
- Horizontal and Vertical projected linear dimensions are created
as DXF "rotated dimensions".
If the attach points of the dimension are distant compared to the
projected distance, there may be a numerical error in the measured
If this occurs, reduce the number of digits displayed in the
opening system.
Export Blocks Those three options define how blocks are exported:
Layers You can choose to export Export layer number and Export layer name. With the exception of the None layer, each 3DEXPERIENCE layer
is defined by three data:
- Its number
- An optional name
- An optional comment
In AutoCAD applications, layers are defined by:
- A name
- A status
- Some graphical attributes.
You can choose how you want to export layer number:
- Export layer number:
Each 3DEXPERIENCE layer is exported with an AutoCad layer name that is the
number of the 3DEXPERIENCE layer
- Export layer name
- If the 3DEXPERIENCE layer name is an empty string, the 3DEXPERIENCE number is
exported (whenever the AutoCAD export version chosen).
- If AutoCAD R12, R13 or R14 is selected as the export version,
then only the first 26 characters are exported.
The only characters exported are:
- Letters (from 'a' to 'b' and from 'A' to 'Z') all converted in
upper case
- Digits (from '0' to '9')
- And the following special characters: the hyphen '-' and the
underscore '_'
- All others characters are exported as underscore '_'.
- If AutoCAD 2000 or a version above is selected as the export
version, then only the first 255 characters are exported, with the
same constraint about characters as above, except that lower case
letters are not changed to uppercase letters and space character is
- Some different layers could be translated into the same AutoCAD
Layer. When this case happens a message is added inside the report
Export View as ViewportWhen selected, this option exports Drawings Views as AutoCad Viewports. Drawings Views properties and structure, including visual clipping, are exported as follows: - All the entities of the Drawings View are exported to the Space Model of the DXF file, at a 1:1 scale and 0° angle. A Viewport is created for each View in the Paper Space. The Viewport is positioned in the Paper Space as the View in the Sheet, with scale and orientation management.
- All the entities of the Background View are exported into the Paper Space representing the Sheet.
- Views are positioned along the X-axis of the Space Model, without intersection.
- The disposition of the Views in the Model Space is given for indication, but is subject to change.
- The exported visual clipping supports only geometrical entities, not texts or dimensions.
- Visual clippings found in Drawings Views with an angle are not exported.
- The position of geometries in the Model Space is not guaranteed.
- Blocks of details sheet are exploded in the Paper Space sheet.