Annotation Set |
- Convert white to black when retrieving annotation
representations: Converts white annotations to black ones. For
more information, see Refreshing Data.
- Automatically retrieve ARM annotations:
Automatically retrieves ARM annotation sets located in CATParts instantiated
under root products.
When a CATPart is added as a root, its annotation set
(an ARM or regular one) is always retrieved, even if
Automatically retrieve ARM annotations is
- Display only captures: Displays captures in the 3D
view browser panel.
- Automatically update view and capture thumbnails :
Automatically updates the visualization of view and capture thumbnails. The
update operation affects the background color defined by the chosen
ambience. It also takes the current color of the 3D annotations into
account. For more information, see Browsing Annotations.
- Keep selected features at capture display:Keeps the
selected technological features, visible in the capture.
If the selected technological features are highlighted or displayed
depends on which row selection mode (Highlight selected
features or Display only selected
features) is selected.
By default, this
option is selected.
For more information, see Opening a 3DShape in a Favorite Context.
Favorite Context |
Specifies if and how you want to open 3DShapes in favorite
contexts, select one of these options: |
Attributes |
Specifies the types of attributes to be displayed in the
Annotation and Attribute Filter panel.
- User
- Tolerances
- Hyperlinks and
- Failure
- Requirements
- Geometrical
- Mechanical
- Electrical
- System 3D Architecture
- Structure
- Composites
- Layered Product
Measure |
Select the Remove previous non-persistent
measures check box to remove the previously created non-persistent
measures when creating additional measures. By default, this check
box is cleared.
In the Main value display table
select the respective options in the Measure type and
Unit columns for available measurement
types. These options control the measure value representations that are
displayed in the measurement markers. |
Units |
Lets you specify the units for mass, length, angle,
volume, and area values. Select the Display trailing
zeros check box to display the trailing zeros in the work area. Note:
For the interference result list and the exported interference result
file, trailing zeros preference is not considered.
By default, this check box is cleared.
Move |
- First assembly level: If this option is selected,
the first assembly level is moved by default.
- Leaf part: If this option is selected, the leaf
part is moved by default.
By default, this option is selected.
Display |
The preferences to display the content in the dashboard.
- Gravitational effects during navigation: This check
box lets you consider the gravitational effects while manipulating the
By default, this check box is cleared.
- Projection Type: Under this area, you can specify
the projection type to display the object. You can select the
Parallel or the Perspective
check box to specify the projection type.
By default, the
Perspective check box is selected.
Selection |
Select 3D geometry inside the part, when
available: Lets you select the 3D geometries instead of 3D Parts
or 3D Representations. |