Choosing Preferences

You can customize your user experience.

  1. From the menu at the upper right corner, select Preferences .
  2. Set the Preferences according to your needs.
    Preferences Description
    3DEXPERIENCE platform

    Platform currently used inside the widget to manage stored content. Enables to choose among platforms available for your user.

    On premises, the only available platform is "onPremises".

    On the cloud, all available platforms for the connected user will be proposed in the list.

    Important: If there is only one available platform (you are either working on-premise or on the cloud with a single platform available to you), then this setting will not be displayed.

    For details about content management when switching platforms in a multi-platform cloud environment, see Switching Between Cloud Platforms.

    Use Index

    Gets the information about the content directly from the index.

    Note: If content is modified, the widget switches to database mode to get the last modifications.

    Clear this option to have the widget content fully based on the database.

    The index enables better response times, but recent updates may not yet have been indexed. In that case, accessing the content directly in the database enables you to have the most up-to-date information.

    By default, this option is activated.

    Geometry Quality Defines the default geometry quality:
    • Optimized
    • High
    Note: The High quality setting can impact all data already loaded, the loading performances, and the 3D navigation FPS.

    By default, the Optimized option is selected.

    Display Work Under

    Displays the Change Action bubble to allow the selection of the change action under which you want to work.

    By default, this option is activated.

    Work Under Position

    Lets you choose the position in the widget of the Change Action bubble:

    • Lower-right corner
    • Lower-left corner
    • Upper-right corner
    • Upper Left Corner

    Use Simplified Geometry as default geometry stream

    Defines the simplified geometry (HD, precise, and accurate) as the default geometry stream to load.

    By default, this option is deactivated. The default geometry stream loads as indexed simplified geometry (non-HD, simplified).


    Length Units

    Angle Units

    Volume Units

    Area Units

    From the available lists, select the required measuring units.

    By default,

    • Millimeter (mm)
    • Degree (deg)
    • Cubic millimeter (mm3)
    • Square millimeter (mm2)

  3. Click Save.