General Information
Measurements, independently of their type, have a few things in common.
- You can choose units for measuring various physical quantities in the Preferences dialog box.
- You can create several measurements, and save them in a markup.
- You can create the non-persistent measure without
removing the existing non-persistent measures.
To remove the existing measure while creating new measures, you can select the Remove previous non-persistent measure check box available in the app specific preferences. For more information, see Customizing App-specific Preferences.
- Measurements are not associative. They are not recomputed if the geometry changes.
- For measures, context menu is not available.
- A default measurement type is provided based on the selected objects The
alternative measurement types and representations are available for selection in
the context toolbar during the creation of the measurement. After the measurement is created,
only the representation can be changed.
For more information on measurements that can be created for various combinations of geometries selected, see Reference Information: Multiselection for Measurements.