About Opening Designs From 3DEXPERIENCE

Opening a design copies it from the 3DEXPERIENCE database to your computer and opens or inserts it in another design open in AutoCAD depending on your choice.

Your preference settings and global preferences set by the Integration Administrator control the open process. You can open a design to download a file updated by another user or to modify the design in AutoCAD. The following topics are discussed:

This page discusses:

See Also
Opening Designs From 3DEXPERIENCE in AutoCAD
Inserting Designs From 3DEXPERIENCE platform in an Active Design
Opening or Inserting Particular Iteration of a Design
Opening or Inserting Designs from Workspace/Projects
Searching for Designs

In the AutoCAD toolbar, you can use the following menu to open a design:

Action Menu Description
3DEXPERIENCE > Open Open the designs from 3DEXPERIENCE in AutoCAD.
3DEXPERIENCE> > Insert > XRef Insert a design from 3DEXPERIENCE in the currently active design in AutoCAD as an external reference.
3DEXPERIENCE > Insert > Block Insert a design from 3DEXPERIENCE in the currently active design in AutoCAD as a block.