Number | The number given the CLIN. |
Type | CLIN is the type. |
Revision | The number of revisions for the CLIN. |
Contract | The contract connected to the CLIN. |
Owner | The user currently responsible for the CLIN. |
Originator | The user who created the CLIN. |
Policy | The policy that governs the lifecycle of the CLIN. |
Active Contract Change | Yes or No if an active contract change exists. |
(Higher Revision Exists) | Yes or No if a higher revision exists. |
Provisioning Paragraph | The paragraph and SOW document that refers to the CLIN. |
Provisioning Document | SOW document that refers to the CLIN. |
Tasking | Software, Hardware, Data, or Service |
Creation Date | The date the CLIN was created. |
On Dock Date | The date the CLIN is expected to be delivered. |
Text/Requirement | Any requirements or texts related to the CLIN. |
Per Unit Cost | The cost per unit of the CLIN deliverable. |
Per Unit Cost In | The currency of the unit cost. |
Ship Set Price | The price of the identified deliverable as packaged. |
Ship Set Price In | The currency of the ship set price. |
CI Number | The configuration item number connected to the CLIN. |
CEI Quantity | The configuration end item quantity for the CLIN. |
Deliverable Part Number | The part number of the CLIN deliverable. |
Customer Part Number | The customer identified part number. |
Ship To | The organization that will receive shipment for the CLIN. |
Final Destination | Where the CLIN will be received. |
Classification Path | This field is displayed only if
IP Classification is installed. The IP Classification app provides the recommended way to classify products and features.