Number | The number given to the DRL. |
Type | CDRL, NonContractDRL, or SDRL are the types. |
Revision | The number of revisions given the DRL. |
State | The current lifecycle state of the DRL. |
Title | The title given the DRL. |
Submittal Requirements | The requirements for the submittal. |
Responsible Person | The user currently responsible for the DRL. |
Submittal Frequency | The number of submittals scheduled. |
Estimated Finish Date | The date the DRL is estimated to end. |
Act Finish | The date the DRL actually ends. |
Project | The project connected to the DRL. A project must exist before a DRL can be created. |
CLIN | The CLIN connected to the DRL. The CLIN is used to maintain the sequence. |
Contract | The contract connected to the DRL. A contract must exist before a project and DRL can be created. |
Program | The program connected to the DRL. A program must exist before a contract, project, or DRL can be created. |