Proposal Properties

You can view the details for the proposal. Depending on the visibility of the proposal, only members of the proposal group or company members can view the properties.

Required access roles:

  • Baseline: Leader, Owner
  • App-specific: Contracts Manager, proposal owner

To access this page

  1. Open a proposal. For more information, see Opening a Proposal.
  2. In the navigation pane, click Details.
  3. Click the Properties tab.

This topic describes:

This page discusses:


Field NameDescription
TypeThe type is Project Proposal.
Project NumberThe number given the project proposal.
PolicyThe policy that governs the lifecycle of a proposal.
Proposal OwnerThe user currently responsible for the proposal. Ownership can be transferred to another user.
Brief DescriptionA detailed description of the proposal.
Proposal StatusThe current lifecycle state of the proposal.
Visibility A proposal's visibility can be Company or Members. If Company is selected, then all user's in the proposal owner's company can view the proposal. If Members is selected, then only users added as proposal members can view the proposal.
Creation DateThe date the proposal was created.
Company NameThe name of the company that created the proposal.
Responsible OrganizationThe organization responsible for the proposal.
ProgramThe program connected to the proposal.
Contract ReferenceThe contract connected to the proposal.
Default VaultThe default value is eService Production.
Approver SelectionThe user who can approve the proposal; for example, the Resource Manager or the Project Lead.
BidNoBidDetermines whether a bid response will be made.
ComplexityThe level of complexity: Low, Medium, High, or N/A
CurrencyThe type of currency used for the proposal.
Customer NameThe name of the customer connected to the proposal.
Customer Request #The customer request number related to the proposal.
Date Due to CustomerThe date the proposal is due to the customer.
Default Constraint TypeThe default task constraint type for proposals is As Soon As Possible or As Late As Possible.
Effort SubmissionEfforts are submitted at the Phase or Task level.
Pricing TypeThe type of pricing: Cost Plus, Firm Fixed-Price, or Unassigned.
PriorityLevel of priority: Low, Medium, High, or N/A.
Priority Complexity WeightingA numerical value for the level of complexity.
Proposal TypeThe type of proposal: RFI (Requests for Information), RFP (Request for Proposal), RFQ (Request for Quote), ROM (Rough Order of Magnitude), or Unassigned.
Received DateThe date the proposal is received.
Resource Plan PreferenceThe resource plan preference sets the default value for the page view to either Phase or Timeline.
Schedule Based OnTasks for the proposal will be scheduled based on either the Actual or Estimated date.
Task Constraint DateThe default task constraint date for proposals is As Soon As Possible or As Late As Possible.
Schedule FromTasks for the proposal will be scheduled either from the Project Start Date or Project Finish Date.

Actions/Toolbar Commands

Action DescriptionFor More Information
Edit Modifies the proposal details. Editing Proposal Properties