Project Number | Enter the number of the related project. |
Policy | Select the policy that governs the lifecycle of a proposal. |
Proposal Owner | Click to search and select the current user who is responsible for the proposal. |
Brief Description | Enter a detailed description of the proposal. |
Visibility | Select the users who can see the proposal from the list. A proposal's visibility can be Company or Members. If Company is selected, then all user's in the proposal owner's company can view the proposal. If Members is selected, then only users added as proposal members can view the proposal. |
Responsible Organization | Click to search and select the organization responsible for the proposal. |
Program | Click to search and select the program related to the proposal. |
Contract Reference | Click to search and select the contract related to the proposal. |
Approver Selection | Select the user who can approve the proposal from the list. |
Complexity | Select the level of complexity from the list: Low, Medium, High, or N/A. |
Currency | Select the type of currency from the list. |
Customer Name | Enter the name of the customer. |
Customer Request # | Enter the customer request number connected to the proposal. |
Date Due to Customer | Click to select the date the proposal is due to the customer. |
Default Constraint Type | The default task constraint type for proposals is As Soon As Possible or As Late As Possible. |
Effort Submission | Select whether efforts are submitted at the Task or Phase level. |
Estimated Duration Keyword Values | Enter the value. |
Pricing Type | Select the type of pricing from the list: Cost Plus, Firm Fixed-Price, or Unassigned. |
Priority | Select the level of priority from the list: Low, Medium, High, or N/A. |
Priority Complexity Weighting | Select the numerical value for the level of complexity from the list. |
Proposal Type | Select the type of proposal from the list. |
Received Date | Click to select the date the proposal is received. |
Resource Plan Preference | The resource plan preference sets the default value for the page view. Select Phase or Timeline from the list. |
Schedule Based On | Select how the schedule tasks for the proposal will be based. |
Task Constraint Date | Click to select the task constraint date. |
Schedule From | Select how tasks for the proposal will be scheduled. |