Type | The type is Contract Price Item. |
Name | Enter a name for the contract price item or check Autoname to automatically name the contract price item. |
Description | Enter a detailed description for the contract price item. |
CLIN | Click in the field to type ahead and view the available CLIN revisions. You can also click to search and select the CLIN. |
Sharing Formula | Enter the sharing formula. |
Minimum Fee | Enter the minimum fee agreed for the associated line item in the contract. |
Maximum Fee | Enter the maximum fee agreed for the associated line item in the contract. |
Total Cost | The sum of the cost and the profit for the associated line item in the contract (the value is calculated from the cost and profit). |
Estimated Cost | Enter the estimated cost in the correct currency. |
Base Fee | Enter the standard fee agreed for the associated line item in the contract. |
Award Fee | Enter the awarded agreed for the associated line item in the contract. |
Fixed Fee | Enter the fixed fee agreed for the associated line item in the contract. |
Incentive Fee | Enter the incentive fee agreed for the associated line item in the contract. |
ACRN | Enter the Accounting Classification Reference Number. |
ACRN Group | Enter the Accounting Classification Reference Number Group. |
Billing Group | Enter the group responsible for billing. |
Comments | Enter any comments related to the contract price item. |
Expiration Date | Click to select the contract price item's expiration date. |
Title | Enter the title of the contract price item. |
Type of Contract | Select the type of contract: Cost, Cost Sharing, Cost-Plus Award-Fee, Cost-Plus Fixed-Fee, Cost-Plus Incentive-Fee, Firm Fixed-Price, Fixed-Price Incentive, Fixed-Price with Economic Adjustment, Letter Contract, Time and Materials, or Unassigned. |
Type of Contract Action | Select the type of contract action: Change Order, Letter Contract, New Contract, Price Revision/Redetermination, Unassigned, Unpriced Order, Other. |
Type of Fee | Select the type of fee: Award, Base, Fixed, Incentive, Unassigned. |