Creating a CLIN

You can create CLINs.

Required access roles:

  • Baseline: Administrator, Leader
  • App-specific: Contracts Manager, Data Manager, Global User with owner access, Program Controls Specialist, Subcontract Administrator

Before you begin: Program and Contract Management must be the active app.
See Also
Contracts List
Opening a Contract
Opening a Subcontract
  1. To create a CLIN, do one of the following:
    • From the top bar, click Add > Program Mgmt.
    • Click Contracts > Create CLIN.


    • View the list of CLINs. For more information, see CLIN List.
    • From the page Actions menu , click Create CLIN .


    • Open a contract or a subcontract.
    • In the navigation pane, click Categories .
      Note: You can click to view the structure menu of the contract.
    • In the navigation pane of the contract, click CLINs.
    • From the page Actions menu , click Create CLIN .
  2. Enter the following information:
    Field NameDescription
    ContractClick to select the contract.
    NameEnter a name for the CLIN. The name must be unique within the context of the customer and contractor because this attribute is used to identify the CLIN.
    Provisioning ParagraphEnter the paragraph that refers to the CLIN.
    Provisioning DocumentClick to select the SOW document that refers to the CLIN.
    TaskingSelect Data, Hardware, Service, or Software.
    Creation DateClick to select the date the CLIN was created.
    On Dock DateClick to select the CLIN delivery.
    Text/RequirementEnter any requirements or texts related to the CLIN.
    Per Unit CostEnter the cost per unit of the CLIN deliverable.
    Per Unit Cost InSelect the type of currency of the per unit cost.
    Ship Set PriceEnter the price of the identified deliverable as packaged.
    Ship Set Price InSelect the currency for the ship set price.
    CI NumberClick inside the box to type ahead to view all CI revisions. Select the relevant CI. You can also click to search for the CI.
    CEI QuantityEnter the configuration end item quantity.
    Deliverable Part NumberClick to select the deliverable part number.
    Customer Part NumberClick to select the customer part number.
  3. Click OK.

The new CLIN is listed on the CLIN page.