Adding a Milestone Fee

You can add a milestone fee.

Required access roles:

  • Baseline: Leader
  • App-specific: Contracts Manager, owner of the contract

Before you begin: A contract price item and sales order must exist.
See Also
Opening a Contract
Adding Contract Price Items
Adding a Sales Order
  1. From the Contract Price tab, check the box for the associated sales order or contract price item.
  2. From the page toolbar, click Actions > Add Milestone Fee .
  3. Enter the following information:
    Field NameDescription
    TypeMilestone Fee is the type.
    NameEnter a name for the milestone payment or check Autoname to automatically name the milestone payment.
    DescriptionEnter a description of the milestone fee.
    DurationEnter the duration of the milestone fee in days or hours.
    PolicySelect Project Task or Contract Financials Milestone.
    TitleEnter a title for the milestone fee.
    Type of FeeSelect the type of fee: Progress Payment, Performance Based/Milestone, Allowable Cost and Payment, Other, Unassigned.
    AmountEnter the amount of the milestone fee.
    Allocated Shows the allocated cost and profit for the milestone fee.
    UnallocatedShows the unallocated cost and profit for the milestone fee.
    Expiration DateClick to select the expiration date for the milestone fee.
    Task Constraint DateClick to select the task constraint date.
    Task Constraint TypeSelect the task constraint type.
  4. Click Apply to add more milestone fees or click OK to complete the action.

The new milestone fee is listed below the contract price item on the Contract Price tab.