Editing Contract Requirement Properties

You can modify the details of the contract requirement.

Required access roles:

  • Baseline: Author, Leader, Reader
  • App-specific: Contracts Manager, contract owner

Before you begin: Access the Properties page for a contract. For more information, see Contract Requirement Properties.
See Also
Contract Documentation Properties
Contract Properties
  1. From the page Actions menu or toolbar, click Edit Details .
  2. Edit any of these details:
    Field NameDescription
    NumberEnter the number of the contract requirement.
    TypeClick to select the type of requirement.
    Title Enter the contract requirement title.
    Content Text Enter any content information.
    OwnerClick to select the user currently responsible for the contract requirement.
    Responsible Organization Click to select the responsible organization.
    PolicyContract Requirement is the default policy.
    Requirement Information
    Effective Month Select the month the contract requirement is available.
    Effective Year Select the year the contract requirement is available.
    Type of Requirement Select the type of requirement: Company Standard, Customer Standard, Contract Specific, Customer Specific, Government Standard, Unassigned.
    Sponsoring CustomerClick to search and select the customer sponsoring the contract requirement.
    NotesEnter any notes that may help users reviewing the contract requirement.
  3. Click Done.