Administration: About Data Setup for Accommodation Design

Data Setup is used to associate resources with apps. This topic introduces Data Setup resources and business logic for Accommodation Design.

This page discusses:


A resource is a PLM object (for example, a catalog or a business rule) or another type of file (for example, a bitmap or a spreadsheet). In Data Setup, you can create resource tables and assign resources to them. These resources are then available in Accommodation Design.

You might need to refer to the following topics as you are learning how to use Data Setup.

Creating a Resource Table Explains how to create a resource table.
Accommodation Design Resources: Available Resources Documents the resources available in the Accommodation Resources resource table.
Standard Resources: Available ResourcesDocuments the resources available in the Standard Resources resource table.

You need to set generative view styles in the Drawing View Generation Parameters row.

The sample GVS is located at ...\resources\standard\generativeparameters\SAMPLES.

Opening IDs

Business logic describes customer-specific logic or algorithms that the customer can include when running Dassault Systèmes apps or algorithms. Opening ID entry points let you create business rules to customize business logic.

You might need to refer to the following topics as you are learning how to use business rules.

Installation and Setup: Customize: Behavior: Data Setup User's Guide: Customization by Business Rules Describes how to use business rules to customize business logic.
Tutorial Steps you through a typical use case showing you how to create a business rule, associate the rule to a resource table and a collaborative space, then deploy the rule.
Color ID (AGTColorID) Manages the color and transparency of various accommodation design objects such as walls, ceilings, coverings, sills, etc.