Data-Mapping Layer

The Data Mapping Layer provides all required functionality to convert 3DEXPERIENCE parts information to ECAD parts information and vice versa.

The Data Mapping Layer is configured by a mapping XML file that contains instructions (rules/tests and definitions/operations) for the part manipulation. The instructions are applied on the part that is passed from the source into the mapping layer. After applying all instructions, the modified part is passed to the target for further processing. The output part is by default the same as the input part. Only manipulations of part data occur.

This page discusses:

CDM Setup Wizard Settings Files

Run the CDM Setup Wizard task to set up synchronization and the background synchronization process.

For more information, see Synchronizing Data and Connector for Altium Designer Database Library. When finished with the wizard, these following files are created under the Library directory.

  • Library Project Directory
    • CDMSetup.ped
    • CDM_Preselection_EDA_test.ped
    • CDM_Preselection_PARTLIBRARY_test.ped

There are dedicated files for all the preselections made and another file that stores the path of the mapping file and other CDM setup. The Connector for Altium Designer loads all the settings automatically from these files into the CDM synchronization dialog.

XML Configuration

The ../data/mapping-schema.xsd file defines the mapping configuration for the Component Data Management layer.

The data-mapping layer is configured by configuration files. A configuration is structured in an XML file that consists of instructions and which can import further files with instructions. The format of the configuration is defined in an XSD file (XML-Schema).

This excerpt shows a sample from the mapping-schema.xsd file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
<pemapping version="1.0" xmlns:xsi="" 

Regular Expressions

You can use regular expressions to describe a set of strings based on common characteristics shared by each string in the set. They can be used to search, edit, or manipulate text and data. The CDM layer supports the Java regular expression syntax.

The Connector for Altium Designer also supports the concept of capturing groups to treat multiple characters as a single unit. You create groups by placing the characters to be grouped inside a set of parentheses. For example, the regular expression (dog) creates a single group containing the letters "d" "o" and "g."