Library Connector User Interface

This topic describes the menus available in the Connector for Altium Designer Database Library. The user interface includes a menu bar, toolbar, and task list panel.

This page discusses:


The menu includes these items.

MenuMenu ItemDescription
FileConnect to 3DEXPERIENCE through WebservicesStarts a 3DEXPERIENCE session. For more information, see Connecting to 3DEXPERIENCE Web Services.
DisconnectCloses the current session.
Open ProjectOpens a project.
Close ProjectCloses the current project.
Recent projectsList of recently opened project names.
Shutdown and ExitShuts down the plug-in, disconnects from 3DEXPERIENCE, and closes the Connector for Altium Designer Database Library.
ActionsExecuteExecutes the task selected in the task list panel.
ExtrasShow LogOpens the log window. For more information, see Log Window.
PreferencesOpens the preferences dialog box. For more information, see Preferences.
HelpAboutDisplays information about the Connector for Altium Designer Database Library.
Support archiveCreates a zip file that contains log files to help Product Support when you need to report an issue. For more information, see Creating a Support Archive.


Connect to 3DEXPERIENCEStarts a 3DEXPERIENCE session. For more information, see Connecting to 3DEXPERIENCE Web Services.
DisconnectLogs out from 3DEXPERIENCE
Client PreferencesOpens the preferences dialog box. For more information, see Preferences.
Execute Selected TaskExecutes the task selected in the task list panel.

Task List Panel

The task list panel lists the tasks you can execute. To execute a task, select it and click .

TaskFor More Information
Setup SynchronizationSetting up Synchronization
Execute SynchronizationSynchronizing Data

Component Context Menu

Depending on how you set up synchronization, the 3DEXPERIENCE Component Data Management dialog box displays either a 3DEXPERIENCE Type Classes or 3DEXPERIENCE Part Libraries tab. When you right-click a component in either of these tabs, you see these context menu items.

Menu ItemDescription
Select AllSelects all class types to be synchronized.
Unselect AllClears all selections.
Toggle SelectionToggles between the previous and current selections that you made.
Sort AscendingSorts the classes in ascending order.
Sort DescendingSorts the classes in descending order.
Expand AllExpands all nodes of the tree.
Collapse allCollapses all nodes of the tree.
Expand recursivelyExpands all tree levels of the selected node.
Collapse recursivelyCollapses all tree levels of the selected node.
Stored Selections > ...last Part Library Selection ...Selects the most recently used selections.
Stored Selections > <NAME>Selects the indicated pre-selection group created when you set up synchronization.
Selection EditorOpens the dialog box where you can define a pre-selection group.

For more information, see step 11 in Setting up Synchronization.