Installing an App Hot Fix

Hot fix installations (VERSION.HFX) are available for selected app versions. A hot fix can be installed only over the version of the same name. For example, ProgramCentralFoundation-V6R2012.HF2 can be installed only over ProgramCentralFoundation-V6R2012 or ProgramCentralFoundation-V6R2012.HF1.

Hot fix installations are cumulative (i.e., VERSION.HF3 includes VERSION.HF1 and VERSION.HF2).

See Also
Installing Web Apps
Upgrading Apps
Tracking Customizations

Hot fix installation follows the same procedure as the full release installation, but includes only modified files. It is recommended for sites that have customized pages.

Hot fix distributions are full builds and include whole jar files with all the class files, not just classes that were changed from the last major release. During hot fix installation, the classes in the distribution jar files are inserted into the jar file under web root. This ensures that any customized class files are not affected. Before inserting classes, any old class files are backed up and are inserted during uninstall, making the jar file the same as the original. Backing up only changes class files, not the whole jar file.