By default, the file includes only certain entries to be used for program debugging.

   # ematrix.origin.trace=false
   # ematrix.debug=false
   # ematrix.fcs.debug=false

See Also
Application Server Files
Building the J2EE Archive File
Deploying the J2EE Archive File on TomEE+

Servlet definitions have been removed from this file and are now defined in a web.xml.part file.

ematrix.fcs.ChannelNumberChooser—Declares a custom class that implements the com.matrixone.fcs.fcs.ChannelNumberChooser interface.

To increase the synchronization speed between widespread sites you can synchronize big files using several TCP sockets simultaneously. A file is eligible for multi-channel synchronization if its size is over the max size of a bucket. If this class returns 1 or less for a file, then this file is downloaded using the standard algorithm.

Compile this class and place it in a JAR file. Copy the JAR file in a folder of the classpath for each FCS.

Note: The multi-channel synchronization is enabled only if the bucket sync is enabled.

The interface definition, in Java, is:

package com.matrixone.fcs.fcs;

public interface ChannelNumberChooser {
      * @param fileName name of the file to download
      * @param format format the file to download
      * @param boId boId of the file to download
      * @param size size of the file to download
      * @param targetURL Full URL that will be used to download the file from the FCS
      * @return The number of channel to use for this download
      public int getNumberOfChannel(String fileName, String format, String boId, long size, String targetURL);

ematrix.fcs.ChannelNumberValue—Set the number of channels that you need for FCS multi-channel synchronization, for example:

ematrix.fcs.ChannelNumberValue = 5

ematrix.debug—Set to true to turn on debugging output from the 3DSpace servlets. The output will be written to a log file that captures stdout. The default is false.

ematrix.fcs.debug—Set to true to turn on debugging output from File Collaboration Server (FCS). The output will be written to the server's stdout. The default is false.

ematrix.origin.trace—Set to true to trace all servlets, JSPs, and JPOs executed on the server. This enables tracing globally for all context objects created. Be sure the path to is in your classpath, (which should already be the case for the 3DSpace Service).