Creating Circular Patterns

You can create circular patterns of a feature or a solid.

You can duplicate flanges, cutouts, holes, mirrors, beads, stamps (except stiffening ribs), stamps without fillet and patterns.

Before you begin:
  • Create a web, a joggle and a cutout on the joggle.
  • Ensure that these features lie on a unique and planar joggle.
See Also
About Patterning
Creating Rectangular Patterns
Creating User-Defined Patterns
  1. Select the cutout to duplicate.
    Note: To pattern a current solid, right-click the Object to pattern box and select Get current solid.

  2. From the Transform section of the action bar, click Circular Pattern .
  3. From the Parameters list, select one of the duplication parameters.
    Instance(s) & total angle The number of patterns is created in the specified direction, and evenly spread out over the total angle.
    Instance(s) & angular spacing The number of patterns specified is created in the specified direction, and patterns are separated from each other by the angular angle value.
    Angular spacing & total angle As many patterns as possible are created over the total angle, and each pattern is separated from the previous or the next one by an angle value.
    Instance(s) & unequal angular spacing The number of patterns is created in the specified direction, and patterns are separated from each other by an unequal angle value.
    Complete crown The number of patterns is created over a complete circle (360deg).
  4. In the Reference element box, select an edge or a planar face as the rotation axis.

    If you select the face of a wall, the rotation axis is normal to this face.

  5. Optional: To reverse the direction, click Reverse or click the arrow in the work area.
  6. Specify the numbers or rows and the rotation angle.
  7. Optional: To add a crown to this pattern, select the Crown Definition tab, and define the crown parameters.