Using the Library Panel

You can use the Library panel to display and select all the HDRIs, 3D shapes, and backplates delivered as presets. This panel also lets you have access to your own collections.

Before you begin:
  • By default, the Library panel is docked on the left side of the window.
  • The Library panel is not available for Sun & Sky ambiences.
  • The 360° HDR Images area is not available for Color/Gradient ambiences.
See Also
Using the Library Panel
Using the Ambience Panel
  1. From the Ambience Studio section of the action bar, click Display Library Panel .

    Important: The first time you run the command, the panel opens directly. After that:
    • When the Library panel is pinned ( is displayed on top of the panel), the Display Library Panel command directly opens the panel.
    • When the Library panel is not pinned ( is displayed on top of the panel), the Display Library Panel command displays on the right side of your session window: move your mouse over to display the docking area and the Library panel.

  2. Whatever the option you are defining, use the slider at the bottom to enlarge or reduce the size of the thumbnails displayed in the panel.
  3. Optional: Click Add Collection, and then navigate to the user collection to be used.
    A new User Collection area is displayed in the panel. Repeat this step as many times as required to add other collections.
    • To rename a user collection, click on the right of the expandable area, and then select Rename. Enter the new name in the Rename box, and then press Enter.
    • To remove a user collection, click , and then select Remove.
  4. To specify an item as favorite, right-click the corresponding thumbnail then select Add to favorites.
    The selected thumbnail is displayed in the Favorites area and you can then double-click it to update the scene and the ambience panel.
    Note: Favorites and User Collections areas are specific to the current category. This means that you can have different collections and different favorites for both categories.
  5. In the list on top of the panel, click Maps 360 to activate a new 360° HDR image.
  6. Drag the image of your choice to the work area, or double-click it.
  7. In the Load Ambience dialog box, select the appropriate option.
    Import all parameters Imports all the default parameters of the selected thumbnail.
    Selective import Lets you individually select the parameters to import.
    Do not import any parameter No parameter is imported, only the HDR image.
    Remember my choice Lets you retrieve the options you selected next time you access the dialog box.
  8. Click OK.
    The scene as well as the General and Ground tabs of the ambience panel are updated accordingly.
  9. In the list on top of the panel, click Backplates to activate a new backplate.
  10. Drag the image of your choice to the work area, or double-click it.
  11. In the Import Related Dome dialog box that opens, indicate if you want to activate the 360° HDR image corresponding to the selected backplate.
    If you click Yes and if the 360° HDR image has been activated, the Load Ambience dialog box opens (see step 6).

    The scene and the preview area of the relevant tab (General for a 360° dome, or Backplate) in the ambience panel are updated.

  12. In the list on top of the panel, click 3D Shapes to insert a predefined 3D shape, and simulate the changes made to the current ambience.
  13. Click an item in the list.
    The selected object is inserted in the current ambience.

  14. Resize the inserted object using the mouse.

    • Hold Ctrl + hold middle-click + drag.
    • Hold Ctrl + Page Up (auto-repeat when pressing and holding down the keys) to zoom in.
    • Hold Ctrl + Page Down (auto-repeat when pressing and holding down the keys) to zoom out.

    You can also hold middle-click to change the position of the inserted object.