Artwork Templates

The artwork templates connected to a product line or a product, and the ones that are not in the Obsolete state are listed in the Artwork Templates tab.

Required access roles:

  • Baseline: Author, Leader, Owner
  • App-specific: Product Manager, Artwork Project Manager, Master Copy Author, Master Copy Approver, Local Copy Author, Local Copy Approver, Graphic Designer, Artwork Approver

To access the artwork template lists page, follow one of the ways:

  • To view the artwork templates associated to a product line, follow the steps given below:
    1. View the Product Lines page. For more information, see Opening a Product Line.
    2. Click the Artwork Templates tab.

      The list of artwork templates associated with the product line appears.

  • To view the artwork templates associated to a product, follow the steps given below:
    1. View the Copy and Artwork page of a CPG product. For more information, see Opening a CPG Product.
    2. Click the Artwork Elements tab.

      The list of artwork templates associated with the product appears.

In this topic:

This page discusses:


Column Description
Lock Status Number of files uploaded to the artwork template.

In 0/n, n is the number of uploaded files.

Name Name of the artwork template. Click to view properties page of the artwork template.
Title Title of an artwork template.
Revision Revision number of an artwork template.
Type By default, type is Artwork Template.
Actions Subscribe to, download, checkout, check in, and add a new file to an artwork template.
Countries Assigned The countries assigned to the artwork template.
Description Description of an artwork template.
State State of an artwork template.
Owner Owner of an artwork template.


Important: Right-click on an artwork template in the list. The following properties appear:
  • Where Used: Click to view the Where Used page.
  • Files: Click to view the files associated with the artwork template.
  • Lifecycle: Click to view lifecycle of the artwork template.
  • History: Click to view history of the artwork template.
  • Add to Collection: Click to add the artwork template to a collection.

Action Description
Create Artwork Template For more information, see Creating Artwork Template.
Add Existing Artwork Template Adds existing artwork templates.

A Leader or Product Manager can add artwork templates.

  • A Product Manager can add an existing artwork template to a product line or a product.
    • If you add an artwork template associated with countries to a product with no candidate markets, a message appears informing that only an artwork template with no associated countries can be added.
    • If the countries associated with an artwork template that is added to a product are different from the candidate markets of the product, a message appears informing that at least one country of the artwork template must match the product candidate markets.
  • A Product Manager, Artwork Project Manager, or a Graphic Designer can add an existing artwork template to a POA. To add an existing artwork template to a POA, ensure that:
    • POA is in Preliminary or Artwork in Process state.
    • POA is not associated to an artwork template.
    Important: Only the artwork templates associated with the product are listed in the Search Results page. At least one associated country of artwork template must match the countries of POA.

Manage Country Assignments Lets you view the list of available regions and countries.

A Leader or Product Manager can manage country assignments.

Select the required regions, select the required countries, and click Done.

Disconnect Artwork Template From the list, select artwork templates to disconnect them from a product line, product, or a POA.

A Leader or Product Manager can disconnect the artwork template.

This option is available only if the POA is associated with an artwork template, and the POA is in Preliminary or Artwork in Process state.

Delete From the list, select artwork templates to delete them from a product line, a product, or a POA.

A Leader or Product Manager can delete the artwork template.

Ensure that the artwork templates are in preliminary state.

Transfer Ownership From the list, select artwork templates to transfer them to a new owner.

Only the Owner can transfer the artwork template.