
This page lists the artwork annotation documents associated with the POA. You can create or add artwork annotation documents.

To access this page:

  1. Open a POA. For more information, see Opening a POA.
  2. In the navigation pane, click Annotations.

This topic describes:

This page discusses:


Column Name Description
Name The name of the artwork annotation document.
Lock Status Shows whether the artwork annotation document is locked.
Route Status Shows the status of the route, if any.
Title The title of the artwork annotation document.
Rev The revision number of the artwork annotation document.
Ver The version number of the artwork annotation document.
Type The object type of the artwork annotation document.
Actions Lets you subscribe, download, check-in and check-out, and update the artwork annotation document.
Description The description of the artwork annotation document.
State The lifecycle state of the artwork annotation document.


Action Description For more information
Create New Annotation Creates an artwork annotation document. Creating an Artwork Annotation
Download Lets you download the selected artwork annotation document. --
Checkout Checks out the selected artwork annotation document. --
Delete Deletes the selected artwork annotation document. --