Creating a POA

You can create a POA for a product line, or one or more products. The POAs created from a product line are available under the products that are present under the product line in the hierarchy. You can also create customization POAs.

Required access roles:

  • Baseline: Leader
  • App-specific: Product Manager, Artwork Project Manager

Before you begin: You must be a Product Manager or an Artwork Package Manager.
  1. From the POAs page, select a product line or a product.
  2. Perform one of the following actions.
    • From the page toolbar, select Actions > Create POA.
    • From the page toolbar, select Actions > Create Customization POA.
  3. Enter the following details.
    Field Name Description
    Destination Shows the product line or product in which the POA is present. If required, you can change it.
    Note: This field is available only when you copy a POA.
    Artwork Package Select an existing artwork package or create one.

    To select an existing artwork package, either enter the name of the artwork package in the Choose Artwork Package box or click to select one. You can only select artwork packages that are in the Create state.

    Title Type a name for the artwork package if you are creating a new one.
    Description Describe the artwork package. You can provide a description only if you are creating a new artwork package.
    Change Template Click and select a change template corresponding to your organization.
    Note: This field is available only if change management is activated.
    Change Order Click and select a change order. Leave this field unchanged to create a change order.
    Note: This field is available only if change management is activated.
    Change Action Select the Create new Change Action for each POA check box to assign each POA to a separate change action, Clear the check box to use the same change action for all POAs.
    Note: This field is available only if change management is activated.
    Artwork Elements to be Attached Select All to attach the latest revisions of all artwork elements from the selected product line or products. Select None to proceed without attaching any artwork elements.
    Note: This field is not available when you copy a POA.
    Artwork Usage Select one or more artwork usage types. A POA is created for every artwork usage type selected.
    Select Countries and Languages Click to view the list of available regions, countries, and languages. If no candidate markets are associated with the CPG product, all regions, countries, and languages are displayed.

    Select the required regions, countries, and languages. In the Selected Languages column, you can drag the languages to reorder them.

    Selected Countries Lists the countries that are selected for the POA.
    Selected Languages Lists the languages that are selected for the POA.
  4. Click Done.
    The POA is created.

The Edit POAs page appears. For customization POAs, the Edit Customization POAs page appears.

If copy lists are associated with the product hierarchy, they are connected to the POA if:

  • The copy lists are in the Release state.
  • Their artwork usage matches the artwork usage of the POA.
  • The copy lists have at least one country and language identical to the POA.

If you create a POA without attaching any artwork elements to it, only the copy lists and their elements that are marked as required are connected to the POA.