Working with the Experiment Lifecycle

You can change the maturity state of an experiment as it evolves through its lifecycle. Each transition between these maturity states and the inactive and archived states must be accompanied by a signature from the user making the transition.

Before you begin: Add users and groups to your experiment and add the Reviewer role to at least one user. For more information, see Managing Experiment Users.
See Also
Share Experiment Pane
Scientific Notebook Roles and Access Rights

Context: For an experiment in any maturity state, users can transition it to another state, depending on their roles. For most transitions, the user making a transition must be an Owner of the experiment. For some transitions, the user making the transition must have the Reviewer role and be selected as an approver.

Important: By making any transition using your electronic signature, you agree that this is the legally binding equivalent of your handwritten signature.
Tip: If you have the Collaborator or Reader role and not the Reviewer role, you cannot transition experiments between maturity states. For more information about lifecycle transitions and which users can perform them, see About the Experiment Lifecycle.

  1. In the Experiment page for the maturity state of experiment you want to transition, click .
  2. Select the transition you want to make.
  3. In the E-signature dialog box, choose the appropriate Reason for Signing and add a Comment.
  4. Optional: If you request a transition to the Pending Review state, choose the appropriate Reviewers for the next transition.

    Tip: You can only select users on the experiment with the Reviewer role assigned.

  5. Enter your Password.
  6. Click Sign.

The experiment transitions to the selected maturity state and its new maturity state displays in the Experiment page header.