Manage Section

The Manage section provides commands for managing the objects and data for a building project.

This page discusses:

Geometrical Set
Creates a geometrical set.

Building Functional Set
Creates a building functional set.

Functional Set
Creates a functional set.

See Flyout for Add.

Power Copy
Creates a power copy. For more information, see 3D Templates Capture User Assistance.

Instantiate from Representation
See Flyout for Instantiate From Representation.

Define Component
Defines a component from a 3D part or assembly.

Define Specification
Defines a specification from a feature so it can be later instantiated as a product.

Publishes features.

Change Level of Development
Changes the level of development as the project evolves. For more information, see Building and Civil Assemblies.

BIM attributes
Opens the BIM Attributes panel, where you add, edit, copy, and search for BIM attributes for objects in the project.

Global Refresh
See Flyout for Global Refresh.

Flyout for Add

Adds a body to another one using a Boolean operation.

Removes material from the first body which is common with the second, using a Boolean operation.

Intersects a body with another one using a Boolean operation.

Assembles different bodies to create a complex geometry.

Flyout for Instantiate From Representation

Instantiate From Representation
Instantiates a template stored in a representation saved in database. For more information, see 3D Templates Capture User Assistance.

Instantiation From Selection
Instantiates a template from a selection. For more information, see 3D Templates Capture User Assistance.

Flyout for Global Refresh

Global Refresh
See Refreshes in session all the products and representations that other users who are not in your session have modified and saved.

Selective Refresh
Refreshes the selected objects loaded into your session that have been modifies by another user.