About Processing Instructions

Processing instructions provide directions for handling or making the formula in the lab, the pilot plant, or production.

See Also
Creating a Standard Processing Instruction
Creating a Phase Header Processing Instruction
Editing a Processing Instruction
Viewing and Editing Processing Instruction Properties
Hiding and Showing Processing Instructions

There are two types of processing instruction:

  • Standard processing instructions are directions on how to use an ingredient. You can include a standard processing instruction anywhere in the formula grid.

    Rows for standard processing instructions are purple.

  • Phase header processing instructions are directions on how to handle ingredients in a phase. A phase header processing instruction is associated with its phase header, and always appears above the row for the phase.

    Rows for phase header processing instructions are gray.


In the schematic formula grid below, the row P1 is a phase heading processing instruction for the formula's main phase. The row P2 is a standard processing instruction.

# Material ID Material Name Wet % Wet Wt Dry % Units

This product is an OT pharmaceutical and must be made under GMP conditions. All processes and
weightings must be witnessed and countersigned. Clear the work area of all materials, equipment, and
supplies not specified in the manufacture of this product. Clean and sanitize the work in conformance with

Main Phase 100.00% 500.00 100.00% g
1 RMP-00000883 Octyl Methoxycinnamate 7.50% 37.50 7.50% g
2 RMP-00000885 Oxybenzone 5.75% 28.75 5.75% g
3 RMP-00000887 Salicylic Acid 11.00% 55.00 11.00% g
4 RMP-00000891 Homosalate 15.00% 75.00 15.00% g

Charge a suitable-sized jacket batch tank equipped with side-sweep agitator with 1/3 of the formula water.
Heat to gtgrees C and add parabens. Mix until fully dissolved and homogenous.

… Rest of formula grid ...
TOTALS: 100.00% 500.00 100.00% g