Creating Implement Relations

You can create implement relations between two elements of the Requirement, Functional and Logical categories.

More precisely, you can create implement links for two purposes:

  • Between two references: To define the context or subcontext of your system (for example, a context can be the full vehicle, the motor only, the rotor only...).
  • Between two occurrences: To define, within a context, a relation between two elements. Such link indicates the purpose of an element, and ensures it fulfills a need.

This task shows you how to:

Create Implement Relations Between a Requirement and a Logical/Function Structure

You can create the context between a requirement structure and a functional or a logical structure.

  1. In Requirements Specification Editor, select a requirement.
  2. In Systems Structure Design, drop the requirement on the function or logical component.
    A ref-ref implement relation is created between the two components.

Create Implement Relations Between Logical/Function Components

Before you begin: To create an implement relation between two elements, a context must be defined in their parent level, with a reference-reference relation. In other words, two elements of their parent levels, or at least their tree roots, must be linked with a reference-reference implement linked.
  1. Drag the first element on the second one.

    Note: You can also right-click the first element and click Create Implement Relation .

  2. In the Implement Relation dialog box, select one of the following options:
    • Reference-reference implement relation: To define the context or subcontext of the system.
    • In context of: To define a relation between two elements.
  3. Click OK.
    You can display the implement relations existing between two structures. For more information, see Managing Implement Relations with the Traceability Matrix.