Generating the Design

Once you have defined the conditions, validated the setup, defined and run the optimization, you can generate the design of the shape.

Before you begin: Create a flow optimization case, define conditions, validate, and optimize the setup.
See Also
Creating a Flow Optimization
Applying Conditions
Validating the Setup
Optimizing the Setup
  1. From the Concept section of the Flow optimization assistant panel, select Generate design.

    By default, all zones are selected for the generation. The automatic extraction of geometry is based on the normalized velocity field.

  2. Clear the volumes that you do not want to generate.
    Transition zones of selected volumes are highlighted in green and nonselected zones are highlighted in red.

    Note: If you clear all check boxes, Generate and Preview are not available.
  3. Define the frame index.
  4. Define the cutting value.
  5. Specify the axial transition value.
  6. Optional: Enter a descriptive name.
  7. Optional: In the Interface fitting options frame, define the following parameters:
    • Axial transition
    • Radial transition
    • Sensitivity
    • Roundness transition

    You can manage these parameters for all interface faces or interface per interface.

    : inlet or outlet

    : interface

    : sensitivity. This corresponds to the angle of the shape that connects the interface with the optimization result.

    : optimization result

    : transition roundness. It modifies the roundness of the connection between the optimization result and the inlet or outlet. The higher the value, the smoother the result.

    : transition distance. It modifies the length of the optimization result area that can be modified. By default, this corresponds to 10 times the size of the mesh and is global to both inlets and outlets.

  8. Specify the output type:
    Subdivision surface Generates an exact subdivision surface.
    Tesselated surface Generates a polyhedral surface.
  9. Define the reconstruction output for the exact subdivision surface:
    Hybrid subdivision Generates a hybrid subdivision surface.
    Match Generates match features. Datum features are no longer generated. This methodology reuses more geometry from the design space.
  10. Define the targeted number of faces for the subdivision surface.
    Automatic The number of faces is automatically computed.
    Global target Define a targeted number of faces for the whole subdivision. This is the default behavior.
    Axial/Radial target Define the number of axial faces along the pipe and radial faces around the pipe.
  11. Optional: To display the possible designs in several views, click Multiple viewer and do the following:
    1. In the Multiview layout list, choose the number of frames to be displayed.

      You can modify the frame index and cutting value.

    2. Select the layout and click Choose.
  12. Optional: To define the view, do the following:
    1. Specify whether you want to preview the velocity on the whole shape or on the optimized designs only, or whether you do not want to preview it.
    2. To show the transparency on the representation of the design space, clear Transparent design area.

    3. To hide the display of the axial transition distance with a plane, select Interface fitting area.

  13. In the Generate design dialog box, click Preview to display the generated shape.
    Transition distance: 50mm

    Transition Roundness: 50%

    Sensitivity: 0.5

  14. Optional: Modify the parameters.
    Transition distance: 100mm

    Transition Roundness: 50%

    Sensitivity: 0.5

    Transition distance: 50mm

    Transition Roundness: 0%

    Sensitivity: 0.5

    Transition distance: 50mm

    Transition Roundness: 50%

    Sensitivity: 1

  15. Click Generate.
    When the design generation is successful, a panel informs you about the number of faces in the reconstructed shape. It also lets you generate more concepts or discard the computation.