The view generation mode is not suitable for complex or large assemblies which require a
lot of memory. You can use this check to verify the view generation mode of the views
present in a drawing.
This check can be combined with the View_Generation_Mode_Options check.
Check Information
Check Details |
Description |
Applicable to: |
DrwDrawing |
Automatic Solution: |
Check Parameters: |
- Check_Occlusion_Culling_State: Boolean type.
If this
option is selected, the “Enable occlusion culling” property will be checked if
Allowed_Occlusion_Culling_State is set to ON. Note:
default, the value is set to FALSE.
- Ignore views: String List type.
Specifies the names of
views that are allowed to use a different view generation mode.
- Allowed_Mode: String type.
Specifies the allowed view
generation mode, ExactMode, CGRMode, ApproximateMode, or RasterMode. Note:
default, the value is set to ExactMode.
- Allowed_Occlusion_Culling_State: String type.
Value for
the “Enable occlusion culling” property. Note:
By default, the value is set to
- Rep_Size_Limit: Length type.
Specifies the allowed
value in the box. Note:
If this option is selected, the “Only generate parts
larger than” property will be checked. If this option is not selected, the
property will not be checked.