What's New

This page describes recent changes in Systems Simulation Design.

This page discusses:

R2022x FD01 (FP.2205)

Managing Revisions

You can now select revisions of Modelica libraries using the Dependencies Assistant command, introduced in the Lifecycle section of the action bar.
Benefits: You can easily update the study template to use the most recent revisions of the Modelica libraries that they are based on.
For more information, see Managing Revisions

Resetting Parameters

You can now reset parameters in the cockpit view.
Benefits: When simulating a model in a cockpit, you can reset parameters to their default values individually, for a specific category, or for the entire cockpit.
For more information, see About Cockpit

Exposed Status for Cockpits and Views

The Exposed statuses of cockpits and views are now displayed in different colors when exposing them to Analyst.
Benefits: When exposing cockpits and views, you can now quickly distinguish if they are already exposed. Cockpits and views that are not exposed and that cannot be exposed are also colored distinctly.
For more information, see Exposing Templates

Duplicating Assessment Templates

Duplicating an assessment template now also duplicates its associated cockpits and simulation tasks.
Benefits: You can now use the duplicated cockpits and simulation tasks as a base for customization, without the need to recreate them in the duplicated assessment template.
For more information, see Managing Assessment Templates

R2022x GA

Editing Cockpit Properties

After creating a cockpit, you can edit its properties.
Benefits: The Description value of a cockpit can be modified in the Properties dialog box.
For more information, see Displaying Properties