Coverage Basic Rules
- Object to trace: Definition
- Traceability coverage computation is possible when objects to be covered
with incoming links (for example, requirements) and links can be recognized.
- 3DEXPERIENCE requirements and links are captured natively.
- 3DEXPERIENCE functional or logical instances and interfaces can be captured by customizing their properties. See Functional and Logical Elements Coverage below.
- Other documents (Word, Excel, DOORS...) may not have clear formalism to identify requirements and links.
For those elements that are identified as to be covered (with incoming links), in the Details section of the properties area, the Object to trace property is set to Yes.
- Object to trace: Coverage
- For an element with the Object to trace property set
to Yes, the traceability coverage is based on the
following rule:
Link Types Coverage In Covered In and Out Covered Out Uncovered No link Uncovered